Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Challenge !

Heheh...I' back wearing this coverall ! comes in blue, bright Yellow, dark blue and dark green.... so, any tips for a fashion concious person who has to wear this for work ?! ....your tips would be appreciated especially for my lady friends who has to wear this everyday to work ! ........heheh ! ;P


niQue_naQ said...

hehe well, dulu i wear white coveralls masa kerja kat spore shipyard, my accessories were ray ban safety glasses, red wing boots and of course finish it off with orange helmets, walkie talkie and a torchlight hehehe trust me darling, nothing that you can wear with those coveralls that can make it boring than it is huhuhu okay la kaler biru, putih lagi yucks! (^_^)

Ms Nellie said...

Kix! definitely pair it with cool hats or sunglasses...that'll do the trick! ;p
and probably, if you're daring enough to the extreme end..attach some cool buttons onto the coverall.;)

Kix said...

hahah ! cool tips ! definitely will try that ! thanx ! nique, i have three choices of's the blue as in the photo, bright yellow & dark, i just kinda rotate according to my mood ! heheh....