Saturday, March 10, 2007

Selamat Pengantin Baru ....

Selamat Pengantin Baru to Linda and Yopy ! you guys made a beautiful bride and handsome groom yesterday .... had the opportunity jadik "pengapit" for the groom...didn't expect it's gonna be so challenging as I have to do the "samping" and "tengkolok" for the groom...ah so... had a crash course from the "Mak Andam" in the morning for 10 minutes or so, and rushed back to the base to find the groom and "siap-siapkan" dia....turned out I'm a pro already ! see the pics.... met Han and Ham (a.k.a Awie) ...which I haven't met for ages, had fun chatting with them catching up stories.... it was a very simple and nice wedding and I enjoyed it very much ! to Linda and Yopy...."Selamat Pengantin Baru, Semoga Kekal Ke Anak Cucu !!!"..... had the "upah" of 10 ringgit for being the best man, and I spent it wisely watching Mukhsin last's a very good guys should watch it !

With the groom and his family.

Sebelum bersanding...

Han and Ham...Ham's trying to explain something in this photo... ;P


kirin said...

well kix... u looks so stunning in the baju melayu even the butang nk tecabut!!! haha..

kirin said...

wah mmg ko pandai ikat samping n tengkolok!!! kudos 2 u!!! n that butang is still attached with UHU kan???motiff???

herl said...

uwaaa...linda dah kawen?? tak jemput aku punnn...anyway, she looks pretty in that dress...moga kekal ke anak cucu!

Kix said...

yes ! Bollywood style.... eh eh..I thought she already invited you? coz that day she asked your name...huhu....mungkin card tuh tak sampai kot..

niQue_naQ said...


herl said...

alaa..Nik dah tag..tak kiraaa...nak tag gak! You've been Tagged!