Tuesday, March 20, 2007

You've been tagged !

hmmm....here it goes ...6 weird things about me ....

1. I have a little bit Obsessive Compulsive traits....
You see.... I can make a U-turn eventhough I'm half way to work just to make sure that I have turned off the lights ! sometimes dah sampai office pun boleh patah balik ....how weird is that ? ...... I will look twice whenever I switched off the lights....enough! I'm no freak !

2. I like shoes ... a lot ! lots of them !
I think I have more than what my lil' sis have in her collections.... :P...hey, men do need their shoes to look good okay ! and to feel good about themselves !

3. I always have DeJavu....
Seriously ! ....almost once in a month...not so important events though ! always feels like ...hmmm been here and done this before ....

4. Always stick to the same menu according to the restaurants....
heheh...malas nak try yg baru...if i know that certain specialty is really good in that restaurant ...so yg tu je laa i order ..... nothing else....sesia jek menu depan mata berjela jela....

5. I'm Nescafe addict ..... every morning, I have to have Nescafe to jumpstart my brain...or else it's gonna be a very very moody day ! right now, I have dozens of Nescafe in my fridge..... the weirdest thing, I can sleep during the night eventhough I drank Nescafe just before going to bed....hmmmm...

6. I talk to cats .... every day I'll have this rituals talking to my cats ...three of them ! since I live alone right now....they're my buddies ! Cielo, Arabella and Ollie....cool cats... tak bising bising like our neighbour cats ... :P..they'll just look at me and buat muka ngada ngada mintak friskies .....


shobshob said...

Hmmmm the nescafe thingy is not something new!

Hahaha... Addicted to it, but at the same time immune to it. So how?

shobshob said...

Hmmmm the nescafe thingy is not something new to me!

You are addicted to it, but at the same kinda immuned to it.. So how?

Kix said...

shut up ! buekkkk !

niQue_naQ said...

a "little" obsessive?? are u sure?? hehehe

im with you at no.4, im hopeless at trying sumting new, unless the ordering is being done by someone else :D hey, at least we know its the worth d money we paid for! :p

Kix said...

totally agree with you nique !