I went there last November with few of my friends… took a night train on Friday and arrived early morning on Saturday …. It was 6 hours journey from Frankfurt …we had a good sleep in the sleeping car and was fresh and bright to start our journey exploring Berlin…. One thing that you can notice is lots of constructions going on … saw cranes and scaffoldings everywhere….West Berlin is the most modern and hype while the East is a little bit rundown…you can see the differences are very significant …. We started our journey by visiting the famous Berlin wall…. Lots of painting on the walls, with messages from people from all over the world… gatal jek tangan nak menconteng jugak ! but we managed to refrain ourselves from committing vandalism ! see how nice I am ! ; P we had drinks in Hard Rock Café Berlin after dinner …bought 2 cool t-shirts …. the following days are all packed with visiting the ancient buildings and churches….I’m amazed of their attention to details on decorating the buildings…. and of course, as I’m currently collecting Starbucks Mugs added another Germany’s city Mug to my collections….. The best part was visiting the Berlin Museum….. as it was soooo big, we decided to split…me & my other friend was interested in the Egyptian Collection while the other group went to the Roman Collection wing….It was really an eye opener as I’ve never visited any Museum since I was a kid ….and also comparing the collections to our Museum …duh ….the Berlin Museum is the house to the original Queen Nefertiti bust dated 3000 yrs ago which I saw in National Geographic few months back…that was really cool ! seeing that bust…they described the Queen as a mature woman with a strong character judging from her features…..quite gorgeous too I would say..heheh…photo was a bit blurry as they don’t allow us to use flash in the museum…. their Greek Collection was also fantastic with a big bowl painted with images of Achilles dated few thousand years back…tetiba teringat cerita Troy plak …byk jugak pose pose amik gambar ….and it was in Autumn,… semua yellow jek and lots of beautiful shots…..how I wish I can make it to Louvre in Paris and the National Egyptian Museum in Cairo…..these have been in my traveling list for a quite long time … gotta go then …. Need to plan lots of trips with my best friends ! pack your bags guys !

Posing kat one of the park in Berlin...

Queen Nefertiti

Wall of Berlin ....
Huhu i really envy you for being able to visit the Berlin Museum! It's definitely one of the best museums for Egyptian artifacts, other than the Cairo and London museums...
Huhu... you'll be there someday...don't worry ! with Air Asia now everyone can fly ! let's make plans !
yo kiki...
pandai komplen aku malas update blog ye, hang pe citer?!!
nway, keep in touch!
Hmmm...hahah ! biasalah ! you know me very well meerul ! pandai ckp tapi buat malas ! huhuh!
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