Hmmm ….currently….it’s Samsonite Bags ! Seriously ! I don’t know what hit me…but I really do love their new range of Traveling Bags ! Recently I purchased a cabin bag from their Freeminder range….it’s really cool and stylo…siap ader sport rim beb the tyres ! Check out the pics ! nice eh ! I immediately fell in love with it at first sight and decided to add another laptop bag from the same range ! although I already have the Targus bag.. Now I’m eyeing the largest luggage bag …. we’ll wait and see …..I got cheaper prices as I kirim them from my colleague who was in New Delhi for an assignment…. It’s crazy cheap ! good bargain I tell you ! Samsonite in India sells at RM 100 – RM 200 lower than other countries… don’t ask me why just check it out when you happen to be in New Delhi….. I was there once but didn’t manage to buy any Samsonites over there…sigh….so later then ! can’t wait for the latest addition to my traveling bags ! (dah start berangan dah carrying the bag for my overdue Bali trip !)
P/s : Apple just launched their new Iphone ….. saw them yesterday on CNN….giler cool ! now I have to find excuses to change my Sony network w/man and my handphone …. ideas please !
P/s : Apple just launched their new Iphone ….. saw them yesterday on CNN….giler cool ! now I have to find excuses to change my Sony network w/man and my handphone …. ideas please !

Hey Kix, can i ask your friend to get me the new Alexander mcQueen by Samsonite bag???
Hi Nell ! ...hmm i'm not so sure whether Alexander McQueen's range is already there or not, but I can always ask them to look around...I saw the pics in your, which one do you want ? the whole range is it ? nice one huh ! it's to die for !
only the skeleton pull bag! but not in white lar..prolly some other colour..thanks!
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