Heheh...I' back wearing this coverall ! ....it comes in blue, bright Yellow, dark blue and dark green.... so, any tips for a fashion concious person who has to wear this for work ?! ....your tips would be appreciated especially for my lady friends who has to wear this everyday to work ! ........heheh ! ;P
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I'm back !!!
Hola all ! I am back in Malaysia ! so glad to be back ! ... my right shoulder is still aching !... I think I've dislocated some joints as I was dragging along my 3 suitcases to catch the flight home.... as I expected my luggages exceeded my quota of 30 kg, I was dragging a 41 kilos of goodies ... ;P ...luckily our Director of "Pusat Sains Negara" came to the rescue ! ...phewww ! said goodbye to my friend, Zain and settled down in the Golden Lounge while waiting for the flight home.... quite big and comfy lounge though a little bit far away from the boarding gate.... my Deutsch friends really enjoyed the food served there as I was saving my tummy for the cuisines served on board....totally, MAS is the best ! a true 5 star Airlines! had a smooth flight...didn't sleep at all as I was too excited heading home....bosan sgt snapped a photo while we're crossing the Black Sea...watched Mary Antoinette...hmmm so so ....."Employee of The Month"...despite Jessica Simpson as the lead actress, it was really an entertaining movie .... "Flushed Away" was really cool animation... and one of the B rate movie, I couldn't remember the title...but it was entertaining as lots of explosion involves.... heheh.... the funny story of that day was, one of my Deutsch friend made a joke to the lady at the check-in counter ... Lady : How many bags are you checking in sir ? .....Friend : 2 bags...owh take extra care the one with the bomb inside ! ...crazy ! ....the lady was quite speechless...but looking at his poker face she laughed imediately....hahah....
Now, kinda busy with work at site .... flying to Labuan this weekend for a 3 days conference next week.... gonna be exciting as my buddy is presenting a paper, which was my first major team project last 2 years....cool....boleh usik dia kasik gelabah ! heheh ! ...looking forward for new friends in my field of work which I heard will consists delegation from Europe ad Middle East too.... let's see.... definitely planning to borong lots of chocolate ! it's tax free which is way lot cheaper than in Peninsular...and of course the sea food ...heaven !
owh ya ! forgot to tell you, disebabkan mulutku yg becok ni....I have offered my friend who's getting married next 2 weeks any assistance that she wants ...just name it ....tup tup...."ki2, ko baikkan? ko dah janji nak tolong aku kan? ...leh jadi best man utk laki aku tak ?" ....owh oh ...too late to take my words back ! .... so, let's see how do I perform as a best man next 2 weeks okay ! .... ayoyo...getting cold feet rite now ! can i chicken out ??! any ideas for excuses ? ...heheh !
Thursday, February 22, 2007
All Good Things.....
Honestly what will become of me
don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is daily
We are what we don't see
Missed everything daydreaming
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Flames to dustLovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to end?
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
I only stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets in and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to end?
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
Well the dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could
Dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could
Die die die die die
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do
good things come to an end
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to end?
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
Well the dogs were barking at a new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon
And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day til the feeling went away
And the sky was falling on the clouds were dropping and
the rain forgot how to bring salvation
the dogs were barking at the new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die.
don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is daily
We are what we don't see
Missed everything daydreaming
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Flames to dustLovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to end?
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
I only stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets in and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to end?
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
Well the dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could
Dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could
Die die die die die
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do
good things come to an end
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to end?
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
Well the dogs were barking at a new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon
And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day til the feeling went away
And the sky was falling on the clouds were dropping and
the rain forgot how to bring salvation
the dogs were barking at the new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die.
p/s : Auf Wiedersehen Frankfurt und Deutschland ! thank you for being my home for 9 months .... flying home tomorrow y'all....see ya !
My Dream Car ....
huhu....of course there's a lot on my list ! which I don't know whether it's possible or not to own them...but no harm in dreaming ! .... yesterday, i've just added one into the list ...it's the new BMW 3 Series ....my god, that car is super cool if it comes with all the gadgets ....i've just had the luxury to take a ride in one of them yesterday on my way to visit a plant near the border of Swiss and Germany, located 350 km from Frankfurt .... it comes with all the fancy GPS navigation system. before the journey, you just have to insert the address and the system will directly point the way, it can tell the exact distance and the approximate time you will arrive depending on the speed...you also can choose, whether to travel via autobahn or the local road.... my colleague, which is also the first time driving that car was also pretty excited with the gadgets inside the car...being the racer at heart we chose the autobahn without any speed limit .... "Hisham, do you wanna see what this car can do?" ...effortlessly the car was cruising at 230 km/h....gosh...doesn't feel anything inside...cabin was very quiet & very comfortable... it has a DVD player, TV, sunroof, heated seatings, panic button (it will directly connect you to some communication centre if you're in trouble)....ayo ayo ...i was like this little kid in a toy store pressing all the buttons on the console....so, it really deserves the tagline as "the ultimate driving machine"..one thing aje this car can't do....drive by itself to the destination ...heheh....was sad when we have to return the key by the end of our trip.... :( ....tapi takper, it doesn't fit my luggage pun nak bawak balik.... :P
Monday, February 19, 2007
The Roman Holiday .... Day 2
As usual, queue was very looooooong ….. luckily there was a guided tours with extra fees, so we managed to skip the line ….for me this is the peak of my visit to Rome…. speechless …..since I’ve been dreaming of being here for a very long time ….. I would advise for you guys to take the guided tour as is it worth every penny with extra Euro 3.50 only on top of the entrance fee Euro 11…. Informative, comprehensive and cool tourist guide! Lasted about 45 minutes and afterwards we’re free to roam inside the Colosseum … did you know that the colosseum was built on top of an artificial lake … it was used to be the garden area for the Golden Palace built by Emperor Nero … and then they constructed the monument so as to forget the memories on Nero as he was a very cruel emperor. And we were told that the chariot fights (something like kereta kuda with 2 wheels tu) never happened in Colosseum as it is very small …. So dlm movie Gladiator tuh Ajinomoto je laa… only fights between Gladiators and wild animals jek happened there ….
As usual, queue was very looooooong ….. luckily there was a guided tours with extra fees, so we managed to skip the line ….for me this is the peak of my visit to Rome…. speechless …..since I’ve been dreaming of being here for a very long time ….. I would advise for you guys to take the guided tour as is it worth every penny with extra Euro 3.50 only on top of the entrance fee Euro 11…. Informative, comprehensive and cool tourist guide! Lasted about 45 minutes and afterwards we’re free to roam inside the Colosseum … did you know that the colosseum was built on top of an artificial lake … it was used to be the garden area for the Golden Palace built by Emperor Nero … and then they constructed the monument so as to forget the memories on Nero as he was a very cruel emperor. And we were told that the chariot fights (something like kereta kuda with 2 wheels tu) never happened in Colosseum as it is very small …. So dlm movie Gladiator tuh Ajinomoto je laa… only fights between Gladiators and wild animals jek happened there ….
Inside the Colosseum
Pose depan Colosseum
Roman Forum
Just dropped by there for quick snaps…. Again more ancient ruins…..
Just dropped by there for quick snaps…. Again more ancient ruins…..
Spanish Steps
The first embassy ever established in Rome which is from Spain…. Of course, lots of steps…. Adjacent to the these steps are the posh area for the brands like YSL, GUCCI, DIOR and friends….
Can you spot me ?!
Piazza D’ Popolo
It’s the north entrance for the city of Rome. This is where one of the Obelisks located. I think it was the largest and the tallest…. About 35 m heights…there are two identical churches separated by the main road….. This was also featured in Dan Brown’s book….huhu suka suka !
One of the Obelisk in the middle of the Piazza.
Vatican City
Since we got a few more hours to spend, we head back to the Vatican City for another cybershot moments as the weather is perfect ! we also went back to the Fontana Di Trevi ….mmm best !
Since we got a few more hours to spend, we head back to the Vatican City for another cybershot moments as the weather is perfect ! we also went back to the Fontana Di Trevi ….mmm best !
by the time we reached there, battery dah kong, memory stick dah full ....so, memory photos jek hoping that someday I will be back ....
Okay … later then y’all ! Arrivederci ! and have a good weekend !
Okay … later then y’all ! Arrivederci ! and have a good weekend !
p/s : Have booked the ticket home ! yeay ! I'm flying home this coming Saturday .... had fun yesterday as it was Carnivale time in Deutchland ! best kutip goodies from the parade ....
The Roman Holiday .... Day 1
Buongiorno Bambino Bambinas ! okay, as promised, here are my updates on my last weekend in Rome ….I’m in love with the City !
Friday Nite : Flew to Rome. Flight took about 1.5 hours …a bumpy one as we approached Rome as it was raining. We’re running like crazy to catch the last train (Leonardo Express) to the City ….journey took another half an hour ….luckily, the hotel is nearby the Termini Station …. It was a good one….newly refurbished ….so okay laa kan …. Terus membuta lepas freshen up everything ….
Vatican City
It was pouring that morning. Luckily I brought the umbrella …..soonest as we arrived, Cameras out and photo shoot sessions ! …. Started at the St Peter Square…have to go through security check before entering the Vatican…. Amazed by all the sculptures and architectures by Michaelangelo, Bernini to name a few….Feels like in Angels & Demons Novel !
Friday Nite : Flew to Rome. Flight took about 1.5 hours …a bumpy one as we approached Rome as it was raining. We’re running like crazy to catch the last train (Leonardo Express) to the City ….journey took another half an hour ….luckily, the hotel is nearby the Termini Station …. It was a good one….newly refurbished ….so okay laa kan …. Terus membuta lepas freshen up everything ….
Vatican City
It was pouring that morning. Luckily I brought the umbrella …..soonest as we arrived, Cameras out and photo shoot sessions ! …. Started at the St Peter Square…have to go through security check before entering the Vatican…. Amazed by all the sculptures and architectures by Michaelangelo, Bernini to name a few….Feels like in Angels & Demons Novel !
View from St Peter's Square
Vatican Museum
Huh….had to queue to buy the tickets…get ready for a 2 km queue for about 1.5 hours before you can reach the ticket counter …. That’s as earliest we can go after visiting the Vatican City …. This is where the famous Sistine Chapel is located …full of elaborate painting on the walls during the Baroque era in Rome…. Raphael, Michaelangelo and the gang had their hands on these paintings…. Again, gaping mouth of how their passion towards arts …..a very detail paintings …all the art works are priceless in that Museum … gee…I don’t know even Sotheby or Christie’s can evaluate their prices !
Huh….had to queue to buy the tickets…get ready for a 2 km queue for about 1.5 hours before you can reach the ticket counter …. That’s as earliest we can go after visiting the Vatican City …. This is where the famous Sistine Chapel is located …full of elaborate painting on the walls during the Baroque era in Rome…. Raphael, Michaelangelo and the gang had their hands on these paintings…. Again, gaping mouth of how their passion towards arts …..a very detail paintings …all the art works are priceless in that Museum … gee…I don’t know even Sotheby or Christie’s can evaluate their prices !
With Zain my colleague : tgh beratur to get the tickets...
Paintings on the ceiling heading to Sistine Chapel.
Spiral Steps to the Museum's Exit.
Castle St Angelo
Stopped by the Castle for some snaps …. Didn’t go inside as it was pouring and shoes are wet … so, we decided to go to the Pantheon ….
Castle St Angelo...the bridge crossing Tiber River.
The building with the largest Concrete Dome in the world…. Pretty amazing on how do they design it that time ….in front of the Pantheon is the one of the 13 Obelisks (statue for the sun god) brought by the Roman Emperor all the way from Egypt …. The funny thing is only 5 are left in Egypt nowadays…. Habis dia angkut gi bawak gi Rome…. Dah la besar giler ….
The building with the largest Concrete Dome in the world…. Pretty amazing on how do they design it that time ….in front of the Pantheon is the one of the 13 Obelisks (statue for the sun god) brought by the Roman Emperor all the way from Egypt …. The funny thing is only 5 are left in Egypt nowadays…. Habis dia angkut gi bawak gi Rome…. Dah la besar giler ….
The concrete dome...
The Obelisk
Piazza D’ Novona
Hmmm… this is where the fountains representing 4 corner of the worlds designed by Bernini…..sadly it was under restoration …lots of scaffoldings so, we didn’t manage to snap a good pics over there…. Just a few mini fountains on the side jek yg amik gambar….
One of the 3 Fountains.
Fontana D’ Trevi
My favourite spot ! I loved it ! grand giler giler the fountain with all the statues ! I just felt the calmness in the middle of the crowd watching the fountain while having my Italian Gelato …. Chocolate and Strawberry gelatos are to die for ! …. Yummy !
Hard Rock Café Rome
Went to HRC to buy t-shirts and some mugs … cool place with lots of foreigners …. Be warned that the Metro service ends as early as 9 p.m on Saturday night …. Ayo …kena menapak lagi all the way back to the Hotel …which was about a gazillion blocks away from the HRC ! But it was worth the walks as we bumped into few gorgeous sites which was not listed as the main attractions ….
This is suppose to be me! not some lembaga okay ! gosh, really have to buy the tripod ...shobshob cap ayam pun cap ayam lah !
we found some concrete slab for the cameras ...okay la kan ?
To be Continued......(iklan 20 minit - cam dlm TV tuh)
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
My Name .....
What Mohd Khairul Hisham Means |
M is for Misunderstood O is for Old H is for Helpful D is for Daredevil K is for Keen H is for Heavenly A is for Animated I is for Industrious R is for Refreshing U is for Unreal L is for Lucky H is for Happy I is for Inspirational S is for Sensitive H is for Honest A is for Active M is for Moral |
Monday, February 12, 2007
The Simpsons !
You Are Barney |
![]() Instead, your whole life is an homage to beer You will be remembered for: your beautiful singing voice and your burps Your life philosophy: "There's nothing like beer to give you that inflated sense of self-esteem." |
The'>http://www.blogthings.com/thesimpsonspersonalitytest/">The Simpsons Personality Test
Friday, February 9, 2007
Tsk tsk .....
Tsk tsk tsk...lambat nya nak balik kerja ! Can't wait to fly to Rome tonite....
a. Passport - checked
b. Flight Tickets - checked
c. Hotel Reservation - checked
d. Map - checked
e. Camera & HP Battery - fully charged
f. Places of Interests List - checked
So, I guess I'm ready for my Rome experience.. gosh can't wait to see all the places described in Dan Brown's Angels & Demons ! wait for my updates next week ! Have a nice weekend y'all !
a. Passport - checked
b. Flight Tickets - checked
c. Hotel Reservation - checked
d. Map - checked
e. Camera & HP Battery - fully charged
f. Places of Interests List - checked
So, I guess I'm ready for my Rome experience.. gosh can't wait to see all the places described in Dan Brown's Angels & Demons ! wait for my updates next week ! Have a nice weekend y'all !
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
10 Things ....
1. First Best Friend : Hamlee. We were in standard 2…gosh, where is he right now?
2. First item you stole : My pocket money savings from my piggy, I stole RM 60 …and I spent it on cikadees and new mechanical pencils…lots of them ! I think it was about 20 mechanical pencils…gosh I was TOTALLY grounded by my mum for 2 weeks !
3. First pet : An aneroxic orange cat we called “merah”..but later she became totally fatty bam bam!
4. First piercing : Nope. Never had any ….
5. First school : Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Felda Kemendor, Jasin, Melaka. Believe it or not, I was in 5 schools within a period of 6 years!
6. First house location : I think it was Rumah Kakitangan MARA in Jasin….we moved a lot…
7. First Crush : Neighbour’s daughter….name secret.
8. First Kiss : My parents when I was born (tiru jawapan Olynn !)
9. First Car : Kancil 850 and still driving it ! gosh, I’m wishing for Mini Cooper Convertible ! ain’t it the cutest car ever !
10. Maner soalan shob shob?
1. Last time you smoked : Standard 1 …I really wanted to taste what it’s like. Stole my late grandpa's cigarette. Don’t like it and end up having asthma ! shhhh ….
2. Last food you ate : Schokobrotchen…Pastry with chocolate in it. Sedap !
3. Last movie you watched on DVD at home : The Bride & Prejudice…Aishwarya Rai is so damn gorgeous in that movie.
4. Last movie you watched at the cinema : Dreamgirls ! salute to Jennifer Hudson ! outstanding performance for a new comer ! love the songs too !
5. Last text message : ermm…&*(^^^$%^^%$ punya Bosh !
6. Last music video you saw : Nelly Furtado – All Good Things
7. Last song you listened to : Beyonce – To the left to the left ! – heheh irreplaceable.
8. Last words you said : Thank you Dr Streicher ! – thanked him for submitting the simulation results of the catalysts performance ! ahaks !
9. Tatau soalan apa gak...
1. Dated a bestfriend : Yes
2. Been arrested : Nope
3. Been on TV : Nope and dying to be on TV ! ajak Shob shob join Amazing Race tak mau !
4. Eaten sushi : Yes
5. Cheated on your spouse : No. Never !
6. Been on a blind date : Nope. Sad huh !
7. Been out of the country : Yes, I’m out of the country rite now.
8. Been in love : Tottally YES !
1. Shirt.
2. Thermal Undergarment. It was freaking cold this morning ! almost fainted in the shower coz it’s too cold !
3. Sweater.
4. Spectacle.
5. A watch.
6. Trouser.
7. Perfume
1. Called my dear colleague in melaka, and chatted about work, her upcoming wedding, kutuk skit2 org kat situ sini…. ;P
2. Involved in negotiation meeting.
3. Check out internet for upcoming trip to Rome. Found Tour Rome in 48 hours guide ! cool ! It addressed all the important places that we should see if we have only 48 hours to spend in Rome. Sad part, weather forecasts, it’s gonna be showering over the weekend !
4. Woke up at 3 AM to answer my colleague’s call from Malaysia. Why laaa send me to the place in different time zone alone !
5. Bancuh Nescafe …sedap !
6. Sembahyang …. Huuuuu terbakar tak Shob shob ????
1. Hanging out with my best friends exploring new places or just plain lepak lepak…
2. Duduk rumah watching TV with all my family members there…. Kind a feel like we’re family sgt !
3. Hang out in cafes either with friends or alone.
4. Dropped by in Frankfurt City Centre on my way home from work. Just walking around and window shopping.
5. My new hobby : blogging !
1. My Parents.
2. My Sister.
3. My Best Friends.
4. My current boss. He’s cool !
1. Be a good Muslim, dpt mengucap dua kalimah syahadah…huhh…panas panas !
2. Spend time with my family and friends.
3. Travel around the world !
1. Vanilla or Chocolate : Chocolate
2. Rock or Rap : Rock
Sitting just across my cubicle… want to see because nak clarify issue kerja la !
1. First Best Friend : Hamlee. We were in standard 2…gosh, where is he right now?
2. First item you stole : My pocket money savings from my piggy, I stole RM 60 …and I spent it on cikadees and new mechanical pencils…lots of them ! I think it was about 20 mechanical pencils…gosh I was TOTALLY grounded by my mum for 2 weeks !
3. First pet : An aneroxic orange cat we called “merah”..but later she became totally fatty bam bam!
4. First piercing : Nope. Never had any ….
5. First school : Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Felda Kemendor, Jasin, Melaka. Believe it or not, I was in 5 schools within a period of 6 years!
6. First house location : I think it was Rumah Kakitangan MARA in Jasin….we moved a lot…
7. First Crush : Neighbour’s daughter….name secret.
8. First Kiss : My parents when I was born (tiru jawapan Olynn !)
9. First Car : Kancil 850 and still driving it ! gosh, I’m wishing for Mini Cooper Convertible ! ain’t it the cutest car ever !
10. Maner soalan shob shob?
1. Last time you smoked : Standard 1 …I really wanted to taste what it’s like. Stole my late grandpa's cigarette. Don’t like it and end up having asthma ! shhhh ….
2. Last food you ate : Schokobrotchen…Pastry with chocolate in it. Sedap !
3. Last movie you watched on DVD at home : The Bride & Prejudice…Aishwarya Rai is so damn gorgeous in that movie.
4. Last movie you watched at the cinema : Dreamgirls ! salute to Jennifer Hudson ! outstanding performance for a new comer ! love the songs too !
5. Last text message : ermm…&*(^^^$%^^%$ punya Bosh !
6. Last music video you saw : Nelly Furtado – All Good Things
7. Last song you listened to : Beyonce – To the left to the left ! – heheh irreplaceable.
8. Last words you said : Thank you Dr Streicher ! – thanked him for submitting the simulation results of the catalysts performance ! ahaks !
9. Tatau soalan apa gak...
1. Dated a bestfriend : Yes
2. Been arrested : Nope
3. Been on TV : Nope and dying to be on TV ! ajak Shob shob join Amazing Race tak mau !
4. Eaten sushi : Yes
5. Cheated on your spouse : No. Never !
6. Been on a blind date : Nope. Sad huh !
7. Been out of the country : Yes, I’m out of the country rite now.
8. Been in love : Tottally YES !
1. Shirt.
2. Thermal Undergarment. It was freaking cold this morning ! almost fainted in the shower coz it’s too cold !
3. Sweater.
4. Spectacle.
5. A watch.
6. Trouser.
7. Perfume
1. Called my dear colleague in melaka, and chatted about work, her upcoming wedding, kutuk skit2 org kat situ sini…. ;P
2. Involved in negotiation meeting.
3. Check out internet for upcoming trip to Rome. Found Tour Rome in 48 hours guide ! cool ! It addressed all the important places that we should see if we have only 48 hours to spend in Rome. Sad part, weather forecasts, it’s gonna be showering over the weekend !
4. Woke up at 3 AM to answer my colleague’s call from Malaysia. Why laaa send me to the place in different time zone alone !
5. Bancuh Nescafe …sedap !
6. Sembahyang …. Huuuuu terbakar tak Shob shob ????
1. Hanging out with my best friends exploring new places or just plain lepak lepak…
2. Duduk rumah watching TV with all my family members there…. Kind a feel like we’re family sgt !
3. Hang out in cafes either with friends or alone.
4. Dropped by in Frankfurt City Centre on my way home from work. Just walking around and window shopping.
5. My new hobby : blogging !
1. My Parents.
2. My Sister.
3. My Best Friends.
4. My current boss. He’s cool !
1. Be a good Muslim, dpt mengucap dua kalimah syahadah…huhh…panas panas !
2. Spend time with my family and friends.
3. Travel around the world !
1. Vanilla or Chocolate : Chocolate
2. Rock or Rap : Rock
Sitting just across my cubicle… want to see because nak clarify issue kerja la !
Friday, February 2, 2007
If you know when it would be your last day on earth…what would you do ?
Hmmm…. I don’t know really …. What would you do ?
Xmas Market, Nuernberg
Went there a week before xmas ….. love the place, ambience and the companions …… it is the largest xmas market in the whole Germany….. had a cup of the famous hot berries drink and love it ! of course my non-muslim friends are enjoying the signature hot beer which can be found everywhere in the market….lots of people buying the last minute presents for their love ones…..a good spot for a family to hang out…..
With Gerard, our tourist guide of the day …..

Xmas markets down there…..

Nuernberg Castle….
With Gerard, our tourist guide of the day …..
Xmas markets down there…..
Nuernberg Castle….
Krakow, Poland…..
Just wanna share with you some snaps while I was in Krakow last December…it’s the third largest city in Poland after Warsaw and XXX…situated on the south of Poland near the border of Checzh Republic…. If you have watched Schindler’s List movie, the city was featured in it. Famous during the WW II era…..
All the pubs and restaurants are underground coz the winter over here is too cold ! can go as low as –20 DegC….crazy huh ! lingkuplaa business peti ais and aircond over here….heheh ! …..
All the pubs and restaurants are underground coz the winter over here is too cold ! can go as low as –20 DegC….crazy huh ! lingkuplaa business peti ais and aircond over here….heheh ! …..
Porfabor …..
Last week I got a chance to attend a meeting in Bilbao. Flight was about 2 hours from Frankfurt….it’s a nice city …very beautiful ….set by the Bay of Biscayne …lots of gorgeous scenery worth of Cybershot moments ! sadly it was pouring all the time when I was there …. Here are some of my shots that I consider okay laaa….didn’t get the chance to snap the Guggenheim ! sigh ….. but it’s all in my head .. ….i promise to comeback for a vacation later …..
Bridge connecting 2 sides of the city…. Forgot the name …:P
Bridge connecting 2 sides of the city…. Forgot the name …:P
Home Sweet Home .....
Yesterday was my final day in the old apartment. I have to move out since the landlady’s mother is moving back to Frankfurt after spending her summer and fall vacation in Armenia. I’m quite sad though since it’s been my home sweet home for the past eight months….. anyway, I got this new apartment just nearby the old one. So okay lah kot kan?….. it’s been one of my sweetest memories living in that shoebox apartment…. These are some of my final moments in the apartment ….. but hey ! I got an invitation from Seda to come over for a dinner next week with her family ! can’t wait to experience the Armenian food ! ….
With my gorgeous landlady, Seda ….I look funny huh?
With my gorgeous landlady, Seda ….I look funny huh?
With Seda’s Mom……
I’m gonna miss this Orange sofa bed ….funky eh ?
The kitchen …… where I’ve experimented several recipes, which ended disastrously! ….
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